четверг, 1 марта 2012 г.

NSW: Unions launch test case on fee deduction

AAP General News (Australia)
NSW: Unions launch test case on fee deduction

New South Wales unions will launch a test case in the state Industrial Relations Commission
next week to force employers to provide payroll deductions for union fees.

The application from the NSW Labor Council could help maintain union membership.

Labor Council deputy assistant secretary MARK LENNON says unions are concerned by a
tactic some companies use to cut off union payroll deductions during industrial disputes.

He says payroll deductions are still relatively common but a lot of companies cease
at their own whim to try to break unions during industrial disputes.

Mr LENNON says the Labor Council will apply to the full bench of the commission for
a clause to be inserted in all state awards, making it compulsory for employers to provide
payroll deductions for union dues.

But NSW Employers Federation chief executive GARRY BRACK says the question of providing
payroll deductions for union fees should be left to the discretion of employers.

Mr BRACK says during an industrial dispute, if unions are not negotiating in good faith,
a company has the right to withdraw the payroll deductions.

AAP RTV nd/ah/smf/jn


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