пятница, 2 марта 2012 г.

Virginia 11th Congressional District

M.L. 'Mike' Corrigan (D)

Age: 54.

Residence: Reston.

Education: BA, mathematics, Fordham College; MA, mathematics,University of Michigan.

Occupation: Telecommunications consultant, Warren H. SussAssociates.

Elected offices/civic activities: Assistant commissioner, GeneralServices Administration; special assistant, Office of the AssistantSecretary of Defense (C3I); vice president, telecommunications, EDSGovernment Systems; chairman, Internet Engineering Task Force;captain, U.S. Army.

Family: Mary Ann, spouse; one son, 20, and one daughter, 24.

Why should the voters elect you?

"To improve health care, transportation and education we needgovernment, industry, universities and nonprofits working together. Ihave over 30 years' experience in making government work. Thisexperience includes helping to transition the Internet from themilitary to the public sector and running the federal governmentsystem that lowered long-distance telephone costs by over 80 percent.The government's buying power can similarly reduce the cost ofprescription drugs through market competition. But we won't see lowercosts as long as we continue to elect politicians dependent oncampaign financing provided by large corporations (including drugcompanies)."

Tell us what you think is the most urgent problem facingVirginians.

"Traffic congestion grinds away our quality of life. We need newroads, better public transportation, effective telecommuting, smartgrowth and affordable housing."

Web site: corriganforcongress.com

E-mail address: mike.corrigan@home.com

Thomas M. Davis III (R) *

Age: 51.

Residence: Falls Church.

Education: BA, Amherst College; JD, University of Virginia.

Occupation: Member, U.S. House of Representatives.

Elected offices/civic activities: U.S. Army, 1971-72; ArmyReserves, 1972-79; member (1979-94) and chairman (1991-94), FairfaxCounty Board of Supervisors; vice president and general counsel, PRCInc., 1977-94; charter member and past president of the BaileysCrossroads Rotary Club.

Family: Peggy, spouse; one son and two daughters.

Why should the voters elect you?

"Voters should reelect me because of my time-tested record ofpublic service. Since my years as a county supervisor to my currentposition in House leadership, I have remained dedicated to the wantsand needs of my constituents: safe, prosperous communities; strongschools; efficient government; creative transportation solutions. Ihave been a strong advocate for federal employees and contractors. Ihave helped get D.C. back on its feet. And I have fought to pay downthe debt and safeguard Social Security and Medicare, while sendingmuch of the surplus back where it belongs--to the hardworkingtaxpayers."

Tell us what you think is the most urgent problem facingVirginians.

"Anything that threatens our quality of life: traffic gridlock;overcrowded, under- performing schools; any regulations thatundermine the tremendous growth in the high-technology industry."

Web site: www.tomdavis.org

E-mail address: info@tomdavis.org

C.W. 'Levi' Levy (I)

Age: 68.

Residence: Fairfax County.

Education: BA, fine arts, George Mason University.

Occupation: Publisher of Levite Chronicle.

Elected offices/civic activities: None.

Family: Never married; no children.

Why should the voters elect you?

"My cat laughs when I pick up brown dead leaves from the tall treethat have fallen onto the long green American holly bushes growing infront of our apartment house. My cat knows that just changing a nameor two does not make a political party liberal and that real reformsare needed to attract and hold idealistic voters. In my own politics,I try to remain as independent as my cat. My cat always knows best."

Tell us what you think is the most urgent problem facingVirginians.

"Encouraging all voters to participate in the voting process isthe most urgent problem facing Virginians and citizens all over theUnited States of America."

Robert K. McBride (Libertarian)

Age: 43.

Residence: Prince William County.

Education: College of William and Mary; Radford University.

Occupation: Information technology engineer, senior systemsanalyst, TROY Systems Inc.

Elected offices/civic activities: Chairman, Libertarian Party ofPrince William County; candidate for chairman of the Board of CountySupervisors (1999); homeowners association officer; graduate of thePrince William County Leadership Institute; volunteer school tutor.

Family: Laura Anderson McBride, spouse; Mischa, spoiled dog.

Why should the voters elect you?

"I'm just an ordinary citizen who is tired of 'politics as usual,'who sees little difference between Democrats and Republicans, and whois concerned about 'career politicians' in Washington sellingpolitical favors with our tax money. I think my personal andprofessional experience qualifies me to become the citizen-representative our area needs. I've been a white-collar, blue-collar, and no-collar worker. I'm a Northern Virginia native, aformer federal employee, a high-tech worker, and a professionalmusician. I'm offering a real choice in this election and I hope itencourages all those turned-off voters to turn out on Election Day."

Tell us what you think is the most urgent problem facingVirginians.

"Congestive growth and traffic are deteriorating our quality oflife. Ironically, many of the contributing factors are caused or madeworse by government actions."

Web site: www.McBrideForCongress.com

E-mail address: robert_k_mcbride@hotmail.com

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